Saturday, 29 September 2018

Palaszczuk reveals her true colours and the party she leads as she sniggers at the plight of a struggling farmer

QLD Labor Land Tax Absentee Surcharge

Palaszczuk reveals her true personality and the types of people we are dealing with who lead the QLD Labor Party.

I dug deep into previous articles online about Palaszczuk to find this:
In the news article link below, Palaszczuk sniggers at a struggling farmer and his plight due to the introduced vegetation laws that favour the Greens.  Her heartless reaction is in my opinion disturbing signs of what could be interpreted by many as someone who is a sadistic sociopath. 

The article published by the 'Betoota Advocate' on 4 Aug 2016 by reporter Clancy Overell, is titled, "QLD Premier Sniggers To Herself While Reading Out Yet Another Letter From Struggling Farmer"


In the context of this blog - the impact on people affected by the Land Tax and Absentee Surcharge, this sends alarm bells that Palaszczuk and her lower ranks are in no way sympathetic to the plights of those of us suffering both financially and psychologically.

It makes one realise why such harsh retrospective, unannounced legislation would have been passed by the Labor QLD Government.  It is in the same vein of insensitivity and dismissiveness that Palaszczuk demonstrates.

In fact, when expressing our situations to her faction, one would assume that the likes of Palaszczuk are sniggering and laughing and mocking us.

Anyone needing help at this point because of the distress you are going through, I provide a link here to Lifeline.  Sorry if you are suffering.  Many of us are now truly struggling as a result of all of this:


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