Tuesday, 25 September 2018

Article published in Brisbane Times 18 July 2018. Reporter Felicity Caldwell.

This article in the link below was published as a result of me raising the issue of the lack of reporting of how the Land tax and Absentee Surcharge was not only affecting foreign investors. 

The media had glossed over the details and failed to include the fact that Australian citizens owning property in Queensland were also included.  Labor had quite surreptitiously included that. Curtis Pitt the Treasurer at the time, announced the 2017 Budget and these details were not focused on.  As a result this legislation has slipped through without any fuss from Queenslanders, unaware that their own have been targeted too.

The Property Council of Australia is also critical of the double tax against Australian citizens. 

QLD Labor provide a pathetic weak excuse as to why the tax was implemented which is easily debunked.  It is a false argument, with the truth being that being an absentee means that you pay more tax than if you were actually in Australia instead and paying any other costs related to taxation. 

Here is the link:

I would have never invested into Queensland property

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A $1 billion hit to the Queensland budget as property market slides

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