Monday, 24 September 2018

About this blog - victims of QLD Labor's Absentee Surcharge & Land Tax

QLD Labor Government Palaszczuk 2017 6 months


Many Aussies were already overseas and had previously invested into QLD property or were preexisting home owners before the 'nil forewarning' budget announcement - therefore totally unaware of what was about to occur.  

We are now faced with massive dilemmas with the severe tax combination indexed to adjust according to annual QLD government land valuations.

All Queenslanders and Australians owning property in Queensland have had their freedom of choice severely reduced.  You are now slaves to the state and interned for 6 months of a year or face a huge penalty tax. 

The Devil was in the detail and Treasurer at the time Curtis Pitt glossed over much detail in the announcement and the media thereafter were not quick to pick up on it either - many focusing or only mentioning how it affected Foreign Investors.  Not so.  All Australians need to be aware of what has happened and how it is now devastating many owners who will be forced to sell up - and at losses for many. 

This will affect more Queensland Aussie property owners into the future as they realise how the extremely restrictive legislation impacts on your choices.  Compared to other States in Australia, you are now severely disadvantaged.  No other State taxes it's citizens on being away for 6 months of a year.  This is unprecedented.  This is undemocratic and unconstitutional.  

This site is intended to gather awareness and bring all those affected together to help gather forces to take action against the QLD labor government for these ridiculous laws that should never have been passed.  Shame on the QLD Labor government. 

I also have a Facebook victim's support group set up.

QLD Labor Government Palaszczuk 2017 Communism Communist Socialist 6 months

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A $1 billion hit to the Queensland budget as property market slides

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