The 2017 Labor Government Budget introduced changes to the Land Tax Act that causes nearly all Australian citizens owning property in Queensland, who are overseas for 6 months or more in a financial year, to be subjected to a combined Land Tax (at a reduced threshold) as well as an Absentee Surcharge at 1.5% of the value of your land. Prisoners of the State.
Saturday, 29 September 2018
Palaszczuk reveals her true colours and the party she leads as she sniggers at the plight of a struggling farmer
Palaszczuk reveals her true personality and the types of people we are dealing with who lead the QLD Labor Party.
I dug deep into previous articles online about Palaszczuk to find this:
In the news article link below, Palaszczuk sniggers at a struggling farmer and his plight due to the introduced vegetation laws that favour the Greens. Her heartless reaction is in my opinion disturbing signs of what could be interpreted by many as someone who is a sadistic sociopath.
The article published by the 'Betoota Advocate' on 4 Aug 2016 by reporter Clancy Overell, is titled, "QLD Premier Sniggers To Herself While Reading Out Yet Another Letter From Struggling Farmer"
In the context of this blog - the impact on people affected by the Land Tax and Absentee Surcharge, this sends alarm bells that Palaszczuk and her lower ranks are in no way sympathetic to the plights of those of us suffering both financially and psychologically.
It makes one realise why such harsh retrospective, unannounced legislation would have been passed by the Labor QLD Government. It is in the same vein of insensitivity and dismissiveness that Palaszczuk demonstrates.
In fact, when expressing our situations to her faction, one would assume that the likes of Palaszczuk are sniggering and laughing and mocking us.
Anyone needing help at this point because of the distress you are going through, I provide a link here to Lifeline. Sorry if you are suffering. Many of us are now truly struggling as a result of all of this:
Expat website highlighting devastating Absentee Surcharge, Land Tax & Primary Residence CGT exemption removal
A good website link here outlining issues facing expats - such as the QLD Land Tax & Absentee Surcharge and the removal of Primary Residence Capital Gains Tax exemption.
Links here from the Exfin website:
The example given in the blog (as I have listed in a previous post) is for a property with an $800,000 land value.
The Australian resident rate for Land Tax payable would be $2,500 per annum.
The Absentee rate however would be $15,850 per annum. An extra $13,350 payable by an Absentee for that year. What a stupendously huge amount. Absolutely devastating to many hit with a bill like that. This can break people. So severe.
How can the QLD Labor government justify with their flawed rhetoric that they have repeated over and over that absentees are “generally not subject to the range of taxes used to deliver the high-quality services and infrastructure that ultimately contribute to growth in Queensland property values”?
They repeat this like parrots, obviously given that as the required response for that piece of crappy legislation.
So, what taxes am I not subjected to already? I am still struggling to find what those taxes are since we are paying so many and so much.
Conversing with other Australians and financial experts as to what taxes they also pay that I may not be make me come to the conclusion that there are NO other sets of taxes I am not paying that apparently contribute to services and infrastructure in QLD. It is a total and utter con job. Palaszczuk is a disgrace.
Do they honestly think we are all that stupid? They really just do not care. Palaszczuk has shown her true colours chuckling at struggling farmer's plights as well - as we know many poor struggling farmers commit suicide. She thinks it's a bit of a laugh. Driving people to kill themselves a laugh for the Labor party (will try to dig up that article again).
Tuesday, 25 September 2018
Deb Frecklington QLD LNP vows for no new taxes
Not the ideal solution and I am not a firm believer of politicians keeping to their words either but if QLD LNP are voted in the next election, at least there is a slim hope for a reprieve on the government further attacking Aussie absentees. The link below outlines Deb Frecklington's plan regarding her position on taxes.
I feel Deb Frecklington seems more switched on to issues now facing QLD Aussie citizens.
Ideally there would be a wind-back of the Absentee Surcharge on Australian citizens with the ridiculously unfair 6 month time limit imposed.
LNP are supporters of views and criticisms held by the Property Council which is a positive.
QLD Labor have demonstrated to Aussies hit by the Absentee Surcharge & accompanying corporate rate Land Tax, that they just do not care who is impacted and how it impacts them.
What QLD Labor has done to us is worse than being penalised for wrongdoing - because none of us have done anything wrong. But the penalties we pay (aka their taxes) are far worse than a court penalty for a crime. An absolute disgrace by QLD Labor.
Deb Frecklington's plan:
"Our Plan for Lower Taxes – No New Taxes"
On the eve of the last state election, Labor announced four new taxes for Queenslanders and flagged a fifth – the waste tax – just months after the election.
The first four taxes alone will rip half-a-billion dollars out of our economy.
Higher taxes are in Labor’s DNA. Labor has never seen someone else’s money without wanting to snatch it – whether it’s tax-payers’ money, motorists’ money or public transport users’ money.
Their record on higher taxes is appalling. They abolished the fuel excise after the 2009 election, despite promising not to beforehand.
They supported a carbon tax that destroyed jobs and cost Queenslanders billions of dollars, including stinging every family $170 a year extra on their electricity bills.
They broke a 2015 election promise by introducing a new tax on property investment – a tax the Property Council has described as a job-destroying tax.
They were also caught out using electricity as a secret tax – costing hundreds of jobs like those who were employed at the Boyne aluminium smelter in Gladstone.
Make no mistake, when Labor governments are in power, Queenslanders always pay the price. You can’t tax your way to growth.
Queensland used to have a reputation as a low–taxing state, encouraging an entrepreneurial spirit where if people had a go and backed themselves, they could make a decent living and get ahead in life.
We want Queensland to be the state of opportunity once more.
That’s why an LNP Government will guarantee no new taxes if we are elected at the next state election.
We are putting up the signs that Queensland is open for business once again and we are unashamed about our approach to growing the economy. Labor’s job-destroying taxes put a handbrake on jobs.
It’s only under an LNP Government that business will have the renewed hope and confidence to invest in Queensland and create more jobs and increase wages."
I feel Deb Frecklington seems more switched on to issues now facing QLD Aussie citizens.
Ideally there would be a wind-back of the Absentee Surcharge on Australian citizens with the ridiculously unfair 6 month time limit imposed.
LNP are supporters of views and criticisms held by the Property Council which is a positive.
QLD Labor have demonstrated to Aussies hit by the Absentee Surcharge & accompanying corporate rate Land Tax, that they just do not care who is impacted and how it impacts them.
What QLD Labor has done to us is worse than being penalised for wrongdoing - because none of us have done anything wrong. But the penalties we pay (aka their taxes) are far worse than a court penalty for a crime. An absolute disgrace by QLD Labor.
Deb Frecklington's plan:
"Our Plan for Lower Taxes – No New Taxes"
On the eve of the last state election, Labor announced four new taxes for Queenslanders and flagged a fifth – the waste tax – just months after the election.
The first four taxes alone will rip half-a-billion dollars out of our economy.
Higher taxes are in Labor’s DNA. Labor has never seen someone else’s money without wanting to snatch it – whether it’s tax-payers’ money, motorists’ money or public transport users’ money.
Their record on higher taxes is appalling. They abolished the fuel excise after the 2009 election, despite promising not to beforehand.
They supported a carbon tax that destroyed jobs and cost Queenslanders billions of dollars, including stinging every family $170 a year extra on their electricity bills.
They broke a 2015 election promise by introducing a new tax on property investment – a tax the Property Council has described as a job-destroying tax.
They were also caught out using electricity as a secret tax – costing hundreds of jobs like those who were employed at the Boyne aluminium smelter in Gladstone.
Make no mistake, when Labor governments are in power, Queenslanders always pay the price. You can’t tax your way to growth.
Queensland used to have a reputation as a low–taxing state, encouraging an entrepreneurial spirit where if people had a go and backed themselves, they could make a decent living and get ahead in life.
We want Queensland to be the state of opportunity once more.
That’s why an LNP Government will guarantee no new taxes if we are elected at the next state election.
We are putting up the signs that Queensland is open for business once again and we are unashamed about our approach to growing the economy. Labor’s job-destroying taxes put a handbrake on jobs.
It’s only under an LNP Government that business will have the renewed hope and confidence to invest in Queensland and create more jobs and increase wages."
Australia’s trifecta of property taxes impacting offshore Australian citizens owning Queensland properties.
This is a copy of an article I published on Medium website 16 September 2018:
Queensland Labor’s Absentee ruling in 2017 combined with the Federal ‘Liberal’ government’s removal of Primary Residence Capital Gains Tax (CGT) exemption for non-residents in 2018 results in a trifecta of punitive taxes against Australian citizens owning property in Queensland (QLD).
This applies to those owners who are out of the country for over 6 months of a financial year (QLD Absentee time limit) and who fit the criteria under Commonwealth Legislation as a non-resident.
The property Tax Trifecta:
Absentee Surcharge — 1.5% of land value for any property with a land value exceeding $350,000 (QLD)
2. Land tax — charged at the highest corporate rate threshold for absentees (QLD)
3. Removal of Primary Residence Capital Gains Tax exemption for non-residents (Commonwealth)
Ordinary Australian citizens being punished as easy targets
They are sucking the financial blood out of Australians who for a multitude of reasons are overseas. The governments here have gone mad in a cash grab bonanza.
As we now know, ‘Absentees’ and ‘non-residents’ are seen as easy targets by the Australian governments. Those of us affected are not foreign nationals. We are Australian citizens, most of us whom have worked hard all our lives, paid our taxes and continue to pay. We are also not all wealthy with plenty of cash to service exorbitant tax bills. We merely hold property like millions of other Australians.
Liberal Scott Morrison was the Treasurer at the time under the command of the now deposed Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull (the most Leftist Liberal leader to hold Prime Minister-ship in the conservative Liberal party).
They have created the ultimate nail in the coffin for many property owners — especially QLD property owners, now in a huge quandary as to decide whether or not to sell their properties before 30 June 2019 (deadline) or face non-resident CGT at Foreign Resident rates.
Many rely on an income stream from rent — often a self funded income comparative to a pension, and have life savings as well as Superannuation investments/payments tied up in the property.
These investments were planned and secured as per diligent financial advice for the long term based on legislation prior to the changes. Unraveling these changes to sell property because of the trifecta of property tax laws inevitably causes significant economic loss and economic disadvantage.
Morrison claims Liberal's changes are only a ‘scalpel’ compared to what Labor will do if they get in with their ‘sledgehammer’ approach. A pathetic response to justifying such a severe change to the legislation (Prime Minister Bob Hawke in 1985 implemented changes to the CGT laws but allowed Primary Residence exemptions to remain in place for non-resident Australian citizens — like the rest of Australians).
The mindset behind the scrapping of CGT Main residence exemption for non-residents is supposedly as part of the housing affordability measures implemented.
As reported by Joanna Mather in the Australian Financial Review (AFR) article dated 18 Dec 2017, ‘Scott Morrison credits ‘scalpel’ for Sydney house price fall’,
“ The Treasurer used Monday’s mid-year budget update to again claim credit for taming unwelcome exuberance in the property market with “measured” adjustments to macro prudential settings.”
What they fail to realise, or rather do not care to know about, is the economic fallout being caused to those affected.
The net was cast too wide and should never captured Australian citizens, many of whom had no valid impact on housing prices.
The intended targets were always against cashed up Foreign Investors, whom it was feared were artificially inflating the property market beyond the affordability of ordinary Australians. The problem is that those ordinary Australians include those who are now caught in this tax trap because of their offshore circumstances. We are being targeted in the same manner as Foreign Investors which is completely unfair.
Property downturn compounding the problem even more.
In a downturn Australian property market this 30 June 2109 deadline could not come at a worse time for non-resident Australian investors and home owners who need to now sell. People are now being backed into a wall by the tax trifecta. The window to sell now is closing and prices are falling causing an unfair disadvantage.
Queensland hammer you with increasing annual Land & Absentee taxes all the way until you have to sell.
In the meantime Aussie owning property in Queensland who are absentees need to service the rapidly increasing annual Land Tax and Absentee Surcharge.
Aussie expats, self funded retirees, long-term vacationers, people taking Long Service Leave, on Career Breaks, pensioners/retirees on lifetime dream trips, temporary off-shore workers, students/mature age professionals in offshore institutions, visiting family overseas in need, medically unable to return to Australia due to injury or illness, incarcerated whether by fault or otherwise — so many examples of why people can be overseas for more than 6 months in a financial year.
A six month time limit is such a narrow restrictive time band as well. As time goes on, the fallout from these taxes will become more and more apparent. More people will get caught up and suffer financial and psychological hardship😡.
Australia is becoming less and less desirable to invest. It is even hazardous to keep your main home to come back to live in when overseas for periods of time, due to the greedy and narrow visioned governments.
No concessions for Primary Residence CGT exemption despite owning (and even living in it) for long periods of time.
With the current brutal change to Capital Gains Tax, one could have owned and lived in their home for decades (Primary Residence), but one ‘non-resident’ event for being overseas for too long means that they are now no longer entitled to the CGT free exemption. A ‘Capital Gains Event’ has now occurred and is irreversible according to the Australian taxation laws. It can only be mitigated partly by re-establishing residency.
If you suffer hardship overseas and need to sell, you are in deep trouble. You are set for massive losses in Capital Gains Tax.
Even if one were to come back to Australia and re-establish their residency — first they need to convince the Australia government they have not come back merely to sell the property as a ‘resident’. Secondly, any period of non-residency will be taken into account and deducted from the sale as a non-resident Capital Gains Tax at the Foreign Resident Rate.
If you come back terminally ill and go straight to hospital then — warning. You may not be considered to have re-established residency and if you die in hospital, any beneficiary who receives the property and sells it will then need to pay CGT at the Foreign Resident Rate.
‘We Come from the Land Down Under’ — once a favourite song for Aussie expats abroad — replaced with bitterness and resentment to governments.
Go to any drinking establishment overseas housing Aussie expats and inevitably you would hear Men at Work’s famous hit single ‘Down Under’, a song that used to resonate with Australians being proud of their homeland and how fortunate they were citizens there. Now it is all too often a change to bitterness and resentment of Aussie expats being screwed by the governments in massive tax grabs making it impossible to live off any sort of investment to retire on.
An apt parody that comes to mind would be to change the lyrics of the The Men at Work hit single ‘Down Under’ lyrics to, “We come from the Land Down Under, where taxes flow and governments plunder”. No longer the lucky country for many now. Turning more and more into a Communist style socialist basket case.
Another lyric, “Because we come from the land of plenty” is no longer applicable to modern day Australian colloquialism. More like, “We come from the land of empty”. No wonder we have had the highest turnover of government in Australian history. Australians we are being screwed and it is getting worse and worse.
Queensland Labor’s Absentee ruling in 2017 combined with the Federal ‘Liberal’ government’s removal of Primary Residence Capital Gains Tax (CGT) exemption for non-residents in 2018 results in a trifecta of punitive taxes against Australian citizens owning property in Queensland (QLD).
This applies to those owners who are out of the country for over 6 months of a financial year (QLD Absentee time limit) and who fit the criteria under Commonwealth Legislation as a non-resident.
The property Tax Trifecta:
Absentee Surcharge — 1.5% of land value for any property with a land value exceeding $350,000 (QLD)
2. Land tax — charged at the highest corporate rate threshold for absentees (QLD)
3. Removal of Primary Residence Capital Gains Tax exemption for non-residents (Commonwealth)
Ordinary Australian citizens being punished as easy targets
They are sucking the financial blood out of Australians who for a multitude of reasons are overseas. The governments here have gone mad in a cash grab bonanza.
As we now know, ‘Absentees’ and ‘non-residents’ are seen as easy targets by the Australian governments. Those of us affected are not foreign nationals. We are Australian citizens, most of us whom have worked hard all our lives, paid our taxes and continue to pay. We are also not all wealthy with plenty of cash to service exorbitant tax bills. We merely hold property like millions of other Australians.
Liberal Scott Morrison was the Treasurer at the time under the command of the now deposed Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull (the most Leftist Liberal leader to hold Prime Minister-ship in the conservative Liberal party).
They have created the ultimate nail in the coffin for many property owners — especially QLD property owners, now in a huge quandary as to decide whether or not to sell their properties before 30 June 2019 (deadline) or face non-resident CGT at Foreign Resident rates.
Many rely on an income stream from rent — often a self funded income comparative to a pension, and have life savings as well as Superannuation investments/payments tied up in the property.
These investments were planned and secured as per diligent financial advice for the long term based on legislation prior to the changes. Unraveling these changes to sell property because of the trifecta of property tax laws inevitably causes significant economic loss and economic disadvantage.
Morrison claims Liberal's changes are only a ‘scalpel’ compared to what Labor will do if they get in with their ‘sledgehammer’ approach. A pathetic response to justifying such a severe change to the legislation (Prime Minister Bob Hawke in 1985 implemented changes to the CGT laws but allowed Primary Residence exemptions to remain in place for non-resident Australian citizens — like the rest of Australians).
The mindset behind the scrapping of CGT Main residence exemption for non-residents is supposedly as part of the housing affordability measures implemented.
As reported by Joanna Mather in the Australian Financial Review (AFR) article dated 18 Dec 2017, ‘Scott Morrison credits ‘scalpel’ for Sydney house price fall’,
“ The Treasurer used Monday’s mid-year budget update to again claim credit for taming unwelcome exuberance in the property market with “measured” adjustments to macro prudential settings.”
What they fail to realise, or rather do not care to know about, is the economic fallout being caused to those affected.
The net was cast too wide and should never captured Australian citizens, many of whom had no valid impact on housing prices.
The intended targets were always against cashed up Foreign Investors, whom it was feared were artificially inflating the property market beyond the affordability of ordinary Australians. The problem is that those ordinary Australians include those who are now caught in this tax trap because of their offshore circumstances. We are being targeted in the same manner as Foreign Investors which is completely unfair.
Property downturn compounding the problem even more.
In a downturn Australian property market this 30 June 2109 deadline could not come at a worse time for non-resident Australian investors and home owners who need to now sell. People are now being backed into a wall by the tax trifecta. The window to sell now is closing and prices are falling causing an unfair disadvantage.
Queensland hammer you with increasing annual Land & Absentee taxes all the way until you have to sell.
In the meantime Aussie owning property in Queensland who are absentees need to service the rapidly increasing annual Land Tax and Absentee Surcharge.
Aussie expats, self funded retirees, long-term vacationers, people taking Long Service Leave, on Career Breaks, pensioners/retirees on lifetime dream trips, temporary off-shore workers, students/mature age professionals in offshore institutions, visiting family overseas in need, medically unable to return to Australia due to injury or illness, incarcerated whether by fault or otherwise — so many examples of why people can be overseas for more than 6 months in a financial year.
A six month time limit is such a narrow restrictive time band as well. As time goes on, the fallout from these taxes will become more and more apparent. More people will get caught up and suffer financial and psychological hardship😡.
Australia is becoming less and less desirable to invest. It is even hazardous to keep your main home to come back to live in when overseas for periods of time, due to the greedy and narrow visioned governments.
No concessions for Primary Residence CGT exemption despite owning (and even living in it) for long periods of time.
With the current brutal change to Capital Gains Tax, one could have owned and lived in their home for decades (Primary Residence), but one ‘non-resident’ event for being overseas for too long means that they are now no longer entitled to the CGT free exemption. A ‘Capital Gains Event’ has now occurred and is irreversible according to the Australian taxation laws. It can only be mitigated partly by re-establishing residency.
If you suffer hardship overseas and need to sell, you are in deep trouble. You are set for massive losses in Capital Gains Tax.
Even if one were to come back to Australia and re-establish their residency — first they need to convince the Australia government they have not come back merely to sell the property as a ‘resident’. Secondly, any period of non-residency will be taken into account and deducted from the sale as a non-resident Capital Gains Tax at the Foreign Resident Rate.
If you come back terminally ill and go straight to hospital then — warning. You may not be considered to have re-established residency and if you die in hospital, any beneficiary who receives the property and sells it will then need to pay CGT at the Foreign Resident Rate.
‘We Come from the Land Down Under’ — once a favourite song for Aussie expats abroad — replaced with bitterness and resentment to governments.
Go to any drinking establishment overseas housing Aussie expats and inevitably you would hear Men at Work’s famous hit single ‘Down Under’, a song that used to resonate with Australians being proud of their homeland and how fortunate they were citizens there. Now it is all too often a change to bitterness and resentment of Aussie expats being screwed by the governments in massive tax grabs making it impossible to live off any sort of investment to retire on.
An apt parody that comes to mind would be to change the lyrics of the The Men at Work hit single ‘Down Under’ lyrics to, “We come from the Land Down Under, where taxes flow and governments plunder”. No longer the lucky country for many now. Turning more and more into a Communist style socialist basket case.
Another lyric, “Because we come from the land of plenty” is no longer applicable to modern day Australian colloquialism. More like, “We come from the land of empty”. No wonder we have had the highest turnover of government in Australian history. Australians we are being screwed and it is getting worse and worse.
QLD Labor & Federal Liberal government property taxes sucking the financial blood out of Australians
Queensland's Labor's Absentee ruling combined with the Federal 'Liberal' government's removal of Primary Residence Capital Gains Tax (CGT) exemption for non-residents results in a trifecta of punitive taxes against Australian citizens owning property in Queensland out of the country for over 6 months of a year (Absentee time limit) and if also deemed a non-resident.
They are sucking the financial blood out of Australians who can have a multitude of reasons for being overseas. The governments have gone mad in a cash grab bonanza.
As we now know, 'Absentees' and 'non-residents' are seen as easy targets. We here are not foreign nationals. We are Australian citizens, most of us whom have worked hard all our lives, paid our taxes and continue to pay. We are also not all wealthy with plenty of cash to service exorbitant tax bills. We merely hold property like millions of other Australians.
Liberal Scott Morrison the then Treasurer under the command of Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull (the most Leftist Liberal leader to hold Prime Minister-ship in the Liberal party) have created the ultimate nail in the coffin for many property owners - especially QLD property owners, now in a huge quandary as to decide whether or not to sell their properties before 30 June 2019 (deadline) or face non-resident CGT at Foreign Resident rates.
Morrison claims LIberal's changes are only a 'scalpel' compared to what Labor will do if they get in with their 'sledgehammer' approach. A pathetic response to justifying such a severe change to the legislation (Bob Hawke in 1985 implements changes to the CGT laws but allowed Primary Residence exemptions to remain in place for non-resident Australian citizens - like the rest of Australians).
The mindset behind the scrapping of CGT Main residence exemption for non-residents is supposedly as part of the housing affordability measures implemented. What they fail to realise, or rather do not care to know about, is the economic fallout being caused to those affected.
It extends to financial losses and psychological trauma. The net was cast too wide and should never captured Australian citizens.
In a downturn market this 30 June 2019 deadline could not come at a worse time for investors and home owners who need to now sell. But people are now being backed into a wall by the tax trifecta. The window to sell now is closing and prices are falling causing an unfair disadvantage.
Aussie expats, self funded retirees, long-term vacationers, people taking Long Service Leave, on Career Breaks, pensioners on dream trips, temporary off-shore workers, students in offshore institutions, visiting family overseas in need, medically unable to return to Australia due to injury or illness, incarcerated whether by fault or otherwise - so many examples of why people can be overseas for more than 6 months in a financial year.
As time goes on, the fallout from these taxes will become more and more apparent. More people will get caught up. 😡
Australia is becoming less and less desirable to invest and even keep your main home to come back to live in when overseas for periods of time, due to the greedy and narrow visioned governments.
QLD Land Taxes plus Non-Resident CGT Primary Residence exemption removal - triple hit to expats
The compounded negative tax consequences of being an expat non-resident who owns a property in Queensland makes it an even worse idea to hold a property in that State.
What it means for expats who become non-residents is not only in QLD will you be subjected to Land Tax & Absentee Surcharges yearly, but come time to sell you will also lose a substantial portion of any Capital Gains made at the Foreign Resident rate. A 'combo' of State and Federal Taxes to wipe your profits out.
This Australian Financial Review article dated 20 April 2018 is titled, "Aussie expats go into battle over capital gains tax crackdown". The removal of the Capital Gains Tax exemption for non-residents owning Primary Residences (also known as the nominated Principal Place of Residence or PPOR) is coming into effect 30 June 2019.
Liberal MP Scott Morrison (now Prime Minister) was Treasurer at the time and was instrumental in the implementation of the tax ruling. As outlined in the article, expats have once again been penalised for being overseas. The Australian Chamber of Commerce is against the changes.
The article states, "The Coalition argues its measures are a "scalpel" compared to Labor's "sledgehammer" of removing negative gearing and reducing the capital gains tax discount for all Australians."
Whilst the coalitions statement is likely true (Labor already has proposed this), it still does not remove the fact that they implemented the CGT changes in the first place.
The combined effect is stifling to Queensland property owners who - to avoid the Land tax and Absentee Surcharge - not only cannot stay/travel overseas for more than 6 months of a year, but also have to be extremely careful they don't inadvertently become non-residents by failing a domicile/183 day absent test and need to sell their property. It does not matter that you may have lived in and owned the property for several years. Just one non-resident event is all it takes.
What is astounding and disgraceful, is that both the QLD State and Federal governments have failed to care how devastating these laws are on their own. But even worse that they have not likely considered or cared to take into account that when compounded together they are a 'tax tsunami'. ðŸ˜
it is ironic that Malcolm Turnbull - ousted ex-Prime Minister, is holidaying in New York and staying in his multi million dollar apartment there, which I dare say does not attract absentee surcharges or severe CGT taxes for being a non-resident.
Article link:
What it means for expats who become non-residents is not only in QLD will you be subjected to Land Tax & Absentee Surcharges yearly, but come time to sell you will also lose a substantial portion of any Capital Gains made at the Foreign Resident rate. A 'combo' of State and Federal Taxes to wipe your profits out.
This Australian Financial Review article dated 20 April 2018 is titled, "Aussie expats go into battle over capital gains tax crackdown". The removal of the Capital Gains Tax exemption for non-residents owning Primary Residences (also known as the nominated Principal Place of Residence or PPOR) is coming into effect 30 June 2019.
Liberal MP Scott Morrison (now Prime Minister) was Treasurer at the time and was instrumental in the implementation of the tax ruling. As outlined in the article, expats have once again been penalised for being overseas. The Australian Chamber of Commerce is against the changes.
The article states, "The Coalition argues its measures are a "scalpel" compared to Labor's "sledgehammer" of removing negative gearing and reducing the capital gains tax discount for all Australians."
Whilst the coalitions statement is likely true (Labor already has proposed this), it still does not remove the fact that they implemented the CGT changes in the first place.
The combined effect is stifling to Queensland property owners who - to avoid the Land tax and Absentee Surcharge - not only cannot stay/travel overseas for more than 6 months of a year, but also have to be extremely careful they don't inadvertently become non-residents by failing a domicile/183 day absent test and need to sell their property. It does not matter that you may have lived in and owned the property for several years. Just one non-resident event is all it takes.
What is astounding and disgraceful, is that both the QLD State and Federal governments have failed to care how devastating these laws are on their own. But even worse that they have not likely considered or cared to take into account that when compounded together they are a 'tax tsunami'. ðŸ˜
it is ironic that Malcolm Turnbull - ousted ex-Prime Minister, is holidaying in New York and staying in his multi million dollar apartment there, which I dare say does not attract absentee surcharges or severe CGT taxes for being a non-resident.
Article link:
Shadow Treasurer Tim Mander concurs with Property Council Australia's objection to the QLD Land Tax
This article was published 17 Dec 2017 in response to the proposals at the time for QLD Labor to implement a second round of Land taxes that has been labelled as 'Robin Hood taxes'. These taxes target properties worth more than $10 Million that Treasurer Jackie Trad will increase to 2.5% as she claims that those who can afford to pay a little bit more should pay more.
The Property Council objected to the implementation arguing the detrimental impacts as well as Shadow treasurer Tim Mander.
See the article link below:
It is noteworthy therefore to include Shadow Treasurer Tim Mander on the list of people to write to. I will be sending him my views and I recommend that everyone else does as well.
He may be our best chance - as he can voice his objections in Parliament about the devastating fallout that has occurred to ordinary Australian citizens owning property in Queensland who have been affected by the Land Tax & Absentee Surcharge from the May 2017 Budget.
Please add him to the list.
His contact details are:
Phone: (07) 3535 1100
Fax: (07) 3535 1109
And His webpage is:
Shadow Treasurer Tim Mander webpage
This article published online 21 March 2018 again reveals the QLD Property Council represented by Executive Director Chris Mountford, urging QLD Labor government to abandon tax hikes on the latest second round of Land tax changes.
Also honing in on the debate was Liberal Leader Deb Frecklington,
“The Premier calls it a ‘Robin Hood’ tax when in fact she is nothing more than the Sheriff of Nottingham.
“Queenslanders just want to get ahead but how can they when Labor’s only answer for its economic mismanagement is new taxes?”
It is good to know that the QLD Liberal government and QLD Property Council are on our side.
Article link:
This article published online 21 March 2018 again reveals the QLD Property Council represented by Executive Director Chris Mountford, urging QLD Labor government to abandon tax hikes on the latest second round of Land tax changes.
Also honing in on the debate was Liberal Leader Deb Frecklington,
“The Premier calls it a ‘Robin Hood’ tax when in fact she is nothing more than the Sheriff of Nottingham.
“Queenslanders just want to get ahead but how can they when Labor’s only answer for its economic mismanagement is new taxes?”
It is good to know that the QLD Liberal government and QLD Property Council are on our side.
Article link:
Interesting article. It was first published in the Australian Financial Review on Wednesday, 2 August 2017, by Matthew Cridland, regarding the inconsistencies between all the States in Australia imposing Land Tax and Absentee Surcharges.
Titled, "Foreign Investor Surcharges Illustrate Lack of Harmonisation in State Tax Policy".
As aptly stated in this online article, "While the foreign investor stamp duty surcharges may be justifiable on the basis of alleviating pressure on the price of residential properties, the Absentee Land Tax in Queensland and the Absentee Owner Surcharge in Victoria are more difficult to justify."
Queensland of course is the only state in Australia to impose an Absentee Surcharge on its own citizens. A move towards complete State control of property holders in Queensland.
Owning a property in QLD is not really 'owning' a property. It is a 'Claytons' ownership of land. The reality is if you were to fail to pay your Land Tax & Absentee Surcharge - eventually the QLD Office of the State Revenue would engage the State Debt Recovery officers to seize your land and property and it would be ultimately sold off. So, in reality we never 'really' own the land. We are leasing it in the form of paying taxes as 'rent' in my opinion.
Article link:
Lack of harmonisation of taxes between States
Interesting article. It was first published in the Australian Financial Review on Wednesday, 2 August 2017, by Matthew Cridland, regarding the inconsistencies between all the States in Australia imposing Land Tax and Absentee Surcharges.
Titled, "Foreign Investor Surcharges Illustrate Lack of Harmonisation in State Tax Policy".
As aptly stated in this online article, "While the foreign investor stamp duty surcharges may be justifiable on the basis of alleviating pressure on the price of residential properties, the Absentee Land Tax in Queensland and the Absentee Owner Surcharge in Victoria are more difficult to justify."
Queensland of course is the only state in Australia to impose an Absentee Surcharge on its own citizens. A move towards complete State control of property holders in Queensland.
Owning a property in QLD is not really 'owning' a property. It is a 'Claytons' ownership of land. The reality is if you were to fail to pay your Land Tax & Absentee Surcharge - eventually the QLD Office of the State Revenue would engage the State Debt Recovery officers to seize your land and property and it would be ultimately sold off. So, in reality we never 'really' own the land. We are leasing it in the form of paying taxes as 'rent' in my opinion.
Article link:
Lack of harmonisation of taxes between States
The Land Tax & Absentee Surcharge debacle of Queensland Labor State Government Australia
This article was posted on the Medium website 21 August 2018:
In May 2017 the Australian Queensland Labor Government headed by the Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk, released a State Budget that was announced in Parliament by the Treasurer at the time Curtis Pitt.
This announcement was about to unexpectedly massively hit the hip pockets of many property owners — whether they be the actual home owner occupants, investors, Australian citizens or foreign buyers. It did not matter.
One of those announcements was that there was to be the introduction of an ‘Absentee Surcharge’ with a reduced threshold of Land Tax from the usual $600,000 land valuation down to $350,000.
The Absentee Surcharge has been set at 1.5% and the Land Tax increased to be set at the Corporate rate, being the same for Company and Trustee titles.
The ‘Absentee’ criteria was set for anyone being absent from Australia totaling a period of more than 6 months of a financial year (Financial Year is from 1 July to 30 June).
The only exemption from being an Absentee was restricted for approved Government employment in overseas positions as well as 5 year periods for employees of approved private companies who have been employed for at least one year in that company in Australia to begin with.
The Labor Government also decided to make this legislation retrospective, meaning that they backdated the ‘Absentee’ period to before the budget, to start at the beginning of the Financial year on 1 July 2016.
As a result, anybody absent from 1 July 2016 to 30 June 2017 for more than than the new 6 month time limit would now be liable for the Land Tax at a reduced threshold to $350,000 land value, at the Corporate rate equivalent, as well as the 1.5% Absentee Surcharge.
There was no forewarning of this new legislation being passed into the QLD Land Tax Act. There was no grace period, no allowances, no extensions or any provisions in the Act to allow any other form of exemption. It was an open slather approach to capture all people absent.
During the Budget announcement, Treasurer Pitt glossed over certain details and to many, the Absentee Surcharge was reported as being legislation just targeting Foreign Investors.
The fact that Australian citizens owning property in Queensland were also being targeted was not clearly revealed. Many media sources failed to report, or at the best failed to clearly disclose what was the ‘Devil in the details’.
Australia on the whole has implemented across its State, Territory and Commonwealth Legislation a raft of measures to deter Foreign Investors buying residential properties. This has been in an effort to curb the last decade’s housing booms across the country which certain economists feared to have artificially inflated property values by Foreign investors and priced poorer Australian citizens out of the housing market.
What the Queensland Labor Government has done is to take that one step further by targeting its own Australian citizens as well who breach the new 6 month curfew.
Australians (as like anybody else living in a Democratic society on Earth) for a myriad of reasons travel and move overseas.
In a globalized world it is often necessary to move overseas. Unimpeded freedom of movement outside and back to Australia has always been a Democratic freedom enjoyed by Australians. There has never been any time penalty imposed before to do this, as one would expect from a progressive democratic government.
There is a misconception among some that people residing or travelling overseas for extended periods must be wealthy and deserve to pay additional taxes. This is definitely not the case for the vast majority of people.
Let’s highlight some examples of why people leave Australian shores for more than 6 month periods:
Education pursuits;
Career improvement or changing career paths (often this builds skill sets and develops Professionals that can benefit Australian people and the economy upon their return)
Overseas employment contracts where employment begins offshore. This can help family members get the ‘leg up’ they need to return to Australia in better financial shape.
Attend to families who at times need support.
Medical reasons where treatments are not available in Australia
Retirees who seek living in countries where the cost of living allows them to have a better quality of life and stretch out their retirement funds — many of which are self-funded retirees as well.
Taking a gap year, or extended leave/long service leave to pursue an extended vacation. Those taking such extended leave are often people needing a career break.
Old age pensioners wishing to take that long anticipated retirement trip of a lifetime.
— If you were a pensioner for example holding a house on a large plot of land in Queensland, were asset rich and cash poor (as many pensioners are — not willing to sell and perhaps hoping to pass on their inheritance), facing perhaps a Land tax & Absentee Surcharge of over $15,000 to $20,000 for being a week or few weeks over the 6 month curfew, you are caught in a massive predicament.
The financial repercussions of having to suffer such a significant economic loss would cause extraordinary stress and trauma for pensioners relying on a low income.
Unplanned extended absenteeism — You also have people who have not planned 6 month or longer periods of absence outside of Australia but due to unexpected circumstances they are unable to return in time.
— These can be people caught up in financial difficulties, being required to stay behind to assist a family member or loved ones in dire need, critically or terminally ill.
— Even more serious is for the travelers who themselves fall ill overseas and are not fit to fly back to Australia before the 6 month deadline. This puts those people in a quandary as to whether or not defy doctor’s orders and fly back at great risk to their health and even their life to avoid the massive penalty. Labor’s new legislation could and most likely will (if not already) cause the death of ill patients who try to avoid financial ruin.
There are plenty of other reasons that could be provided.
What is blatantly obvious is that all Queenslanders have now been put at a disadvantage compared to owners of properties in the other States and Territories. From the examples above one can see that Aussies owning property in Queensland now have to pause and consider whether or not they can afford to make the decisions that others can make.
Taking that job/career opportunity offshore could set you back when offsetting the tax liabilities. So you then need to weigh up if it is worth it? This gives other Australians owning property elsewhere that advantage to take that job/career offer without needing to hesitate.
Long Service leave may have to be taken at home or at a reduced time frame. Or maybe you will need to split up your leave now between financial years. Others owning outside Queensland can opt to take all of their time away as they desire without repercussion.
Before the 2017 Budget, there were also those who had already committed to being overseas or about to move or travel overseas. Moving and even just traveling overseas requires considerable planning and cost set-up. It means purchasing travel and global health insurance, international removalists, costly cargo, company costs to move employees overseas, Visas, booking and paying for flights.
Then there is accommodation, property leases including rental contract periods with bond deposits and defined minimal rental periods, vehicle purchases overseas and other expenses. Most of these costs are non-refundable. Many had already committed to such arrangements before the shock budget announcement.
Many absentee Australian citizen property holders living in their Queensland homes beforehand had and still have the intention of returning to their homes to live back in upon their return. Some may have left their properties vacant or have them still resided by partners or family members. But they, the owner as listed on the Title Deed, are still subjected to the Land tax and Absentee Surcharges.
Property investors often have invested using Superannuation, personal savings, and bank mortgage funds. Others (like me) may have used a combination of funds provided from life savings, early access to Super, medical retirement payments — insurance settlements for Workers Compensation or Work Injury Damages claims to place those funds into a safe investment that offers a rental yield.
Investors and owners alike had bought properties in Queensland in the faith of the government applying the laws at the time. Due diligence could not have foreseen the Budget surprise, that would implement an absentee surcharge and other punitive tax measures. Only those ‘in the inner circles’ would have been privy to this information.
The fallout is severe unexpected and unplanned costs. Not having these factored creates financial distress. It disrupts living arrangements overseas. Those affected also need now need to weigh up the benefits of holding or selling their properties and this could be for many at a financial loss.
The Queensland Legislation Handbook Governing Queensland is issued by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet. The latest edition (5th) released in 2014.
“The Queensland Legislation Handbook outlines relevant
policies, recommendations, information, and procedures
for the making of law in the form of Acts of Parliament or
subordinate legislation.”
There are two chapters I wish to draw attention to in relation to how the legislation was unfairly introduced. These are excerpts of the relevant sections:
“7.2.7 Does the legislation adversely affect rights and liberties, or impose obligations, retrospectively?
Strong argument is required to justify an adverse affect on rights and liberties, or the imposition of obligations, retrospectively. Whether a statutory provision is in fact retrospective can often be difficult to decide. For example, difficulties occur where the provisions of an Act apply to an event that comprises several components, some of which happened before the Act’s commencement and some after. For subordinate legislation, the Statutory Instruments Act 1992, section 32 provides for the commencement of a statutory instrument prospectively. Only section 34 provides otherwise. Section 34 allows a statutory instrument to expressly provide for beneficial retrospectivity, that is, retrospectivity that does not decrease a person’s rights or impose liabilities on a person other than the State, a State authority or a local government. Subordinate legislation that purports to have an adverse effect can not be made without the authority of an Act. The former Scrutiny of Legislation Committee brought to the attention of Parliament all provisions in Bills that have effect retrospectively.33 While the committee generally opposed retrospective legislation, it conceded that on occasions retrospective legislation that is curative and validating may be justified.34”
“7.2.12 Does the legislation in all other respects have sufficient regard to the rights and liberties of individuals?
The former Scrutiny of Legislation Committee consistently took the approach that the matters specifically listed in the Legislative Standards Act 1992, section 4(3) are not exhaustive of all matters relevant to an individual’s rights and liberties. The former Scrutiny Committee took an expansive approach in identifying rights and liberties. These include traditional common law rights, for example, the right of a landowner to the use and enjoyment of his or her land. They can also encompass, for example, rights that are only incompletely recognised at common law (for example, the right to privacy) and rights (especially human rights) that arise out of Australia’s international treaty obligations.45 The former Scrutiny Committee made comment about legislation in relation to the following broad principles:
• Abrogation of rights and liberties (in the broadest sense of those words) from any source must be justified, whether the rights and liberties are under the common law, statute law or otherwise.
• Restrictions on ordinary activities must be justified.
• Legislative intervention should be proportionate and relevant in relation to any issue dealt with under the legislation.
• Imposition of liability under legislation should provide for the following: − adequate definition of the basis for the liability, with reasonable defences − imposition of responsibility for the actions of others only with strong justification − an appropriate and fair onus and standard of proof − a single process for the liability, with all forms of double jeopardy being avoided as far as possible − equality under the law for all persons responsible for the events from which the liability arises.
• Treatment of all persons affected by legislation should be reasonable and fair.
• There should be a balance within legislation between individual and community interests.”
I argue that the retrospectivity of this legislation (backdated to begin 1 July 2016) definitely has decreased the rights and imposed severe financial liabilities onto property owners/land holders in Queensland.
People without forewarning have been unable to factor in decision making to either withdraw from purchasing property in the first place, not making overseas travel/living/moving arrangements that could adversely impact them financially as a result of the Land Tax & Absentee Surcharge (LT&AS).
Rights have been decreased as freedom of movement without financial penalty/duress has been removed unless you restrict travel movements out of Australia.
The retrospectivity of this legislation means that the many people who had already made various arrangements and financial commitments, moved offshore etc — have been forced to pay the LT&AS going back to 1 July 2016.
The legislation does not take into account the sufficient regard to the rights and liberties of the individuals at all. The ‘reasonable and fair’ treatment falls grossly short of that benchmark.
The Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel release a notebook titled “Principles of Good Legislation: OQPC guide to Fundamental Legislative Principles”. Within there are guidelines meant to be adhered to so as to ensure legislation that among other considerations is passed as being fair and reasonable.
A scrutiny committee is meant to oversight and review the proposed legislation changes as well.
There is mention several times on the impact of retrospectivity and as quoted on page 15 of the notebook, “The practice of retrospective validating legislation is not a practice the Scrutiny Committee endorsed.
It considered the practice could adversely affect rights and liberties or impose obligations retrospectively and therefore breach fundamental legislative principles. However the Scrutiny Committee recognised that there are occasions on which curative retrospective legislation which does not significantly affect individuals’ rights and liberties, is justified in order to clarify a situation or correct unintended legislative consequences.”
— THIS LEGISLATION DOES SIGNIFICANTLY AFFECT THOSE RIGHTS AND LIBERTIES. People locked into property purchases before the legislation are now a slave to QLD government and their taxes — restricting their financial freedoms and ability to live off rent.
It affects the liberties of those whether they live in the property or not to travel overseas unimpeded — now they are effectively prisoners of the state for 6 months of the year — or pay the penalty.
There are many consequences I am sure the Labor Government knew would occur but chose to ignore. No grace period for those caught in the trap means our rights have definitely been affected. Economically this is a Human Rights issue as well.
The way the taxes were introduced in such an unsuspecting and punitive manner screams abuse of power by the government. And its arrogance to ignore its unfair application of retrospectivity as well to implement the taxes in a back-dated manner.
Queensland has been touted by property agents as the next place to buy due to the lower housing prices compared to Sydney and Melbourne, which are currently entering a cooling to falling market after huge rallies.
Brisbane and other Queensland towns are now experiencing a more stable platform to invest and promising slow capital growth. But they are now faced with the dilemma of fully disclosing the pitfalls of investing in Queensland versus losing sales to overseas investors and Australian citizens who spend considerable periods of time overseas.
To many unwary investors, they could well be caught unaware if they rely on the advice of those selling them property in this market. Buyers need to be well and truly cautious buying in Queensland as a result.
If anyone does travel, may in the future travel overseas for work, plans long service leave extended vacations, gap years, splitting living arrangements between two countries, thinking of leasing their property out and residing overseas for extended periods — then my advice is DO NOT BUY PROPERTY IN QUEENSLAND.
Otherwise, you face the prospect of a raft of taxes that are so excessive they effectively can turn a profit making property that provides a decent rental yield into a liability and a financial nightmare.
The only exception would be if you only bought a property that fell well below the threshold land value of $350,000. But even then you are facing the risk of land valuations changing over time and your property exceeding that threshold.
Do you trust a rogue government like this to not make other changes in future budgets? There has already been further changes to property investors in the 2018 QLD Budget.
In my opinion it is best to consider the other States and Territories of Australia for property purchases. Renting in Queensland is the only safe alternative.
As each year progresses the Department of Natural Resources and Mines (DNRM) conducts Land Valuation assessments (valuated over a three year average), which in the current conditions are seeing considerable changes to values, enormously scaling up each year’s Land Tax and Absentee Surcharges (LT&AS).
This may seem positive to many as “Capital Growth is a good thing”. The problem is for those who bought property not long before the 2017 budget announcement. Due to set up costs involving taxes, duties, legals and commissions, owners usually need to spend several years holding the property before any Capital Gains are realised. This is especially the case if there were expensive renovations to a run down property prior to leasing it (as occurred in my situation).
In the meantime if one relies on an income stream from rental yields (like me and many others) that is being wiped out by the annual LT&AS, then unless you have an ability to draw off other sustainable income sources and absorb the LT&AS over several years, you are likely to be forced to sell at a Capital Loss. Holding the property becomes a liability.
The QLD Labor Government’s response to complaints about the LT&AS. The standard rhetoric reply given by the Labor government has been along the lines of spokespersons such as this comment that it was,
“Queensland’s longstanding position that absentees were subject to higher rates of land tax to account for the fact they were
“generally not subject to the range of taxes used to deliver the high-quality services and infrastructure that ultimately contribute to growth in Queensland property values”.
“These rates apply to people who do not ordinarily reside in Australia, including a person for more than six months ending on June 30”.
Refer to the Brisbane Times article dated 18 July, 2018.
I would never have invested into Queensland property
Holding a property in Queensland as a non-absentee attracts Land tax if the land value is over the $600,000 threshold anyway. Absentees holding land valued at $350,000 or more, pay more than their fair share of LT&AS which is above and beyond any ‘additional’ taxes that we ‘apparently’ are not subject to. These other taxes by the way have me perplexed. What are they in fact and what could they possibly amount to?
Holding a property means you need to pay Council Rates, Water & Sewerage Utitility rates, Electricity rates, home and contents insurance, Body Corporate/Strata levy Fees (for strata titled properties), Property Management fees (for leased properties), Letting fees, advertising fees, Maintenance fees — tradespersons, annual compliance inspections, cleaners, replace and repair equipment and items.
Then there are periods where the property being leased may be vacant. So no income. There is GST paid on all fees and other taxes and levies imposed. On top of that there is Commonwealth income tax paid for any rental income received.
For many absentees they also may be considered as permanent non-residents according to Commonwealth Legislation so are subjected to a no-threshold flat tax rate from $0 up to the amount they receive per annum — a minimum of 32.5% tax on all income (residents receive a tax free threshold $0 to $18,000).
As we all know, the Federal Government also allocates funds to each State and Territory of Australia as a result of tax revenues raised.
Another flaw in the argument provided by the Labor government to justify the LT&AS is that not all investors live in Queensland. So when back in Australia and not being subjected to the LT&AS, they could be residing in another state where they are spending money and paying taxes elsewhere.
The same applies to many Queenslanders who own property in other states, who do not spend their money outside Queensland.
There is no way anybody as a non-absentee resident of Queensland would be paying the equivalent of the LT&AS fees. It is a totally false outrageous claim. It is a bare faced lie covered in political spin.
Forcing property investments to become financial liabilities is not a ‘fair share’ argument. I would welcome the Queensland Labor Government to provide justification as to how that would be the case.
The government’s argument to validate the LT&AS is obviously designed to hoodwink and convince the masses (whom QLD Labor must equate to having extremely low intelligence) that the LT&AS are fair and those who are absentees deserve to have to pay. Sure, absentees are able to spend their personal ‘after tax’ money on what they choose anywhere they want and that may mean not buying in Australia. Where people pay their ‘after tax’ income is their prerogative last time I checked in a Democratic society.
I will reiterate the point here that as a property holder we have already paid a large portion of rental yield to cover taxes and fees needed to hold and maintain a property.
But how far does the government want to go in determining what and where you spend your money? And if it is not within their parameters of where it should be spent, then this sends a clear message of a creeping Communism.
Labor does not mention how absentees spend their money, rather refers to the ‘range of taxes’ argument. But I suspect that is really what they meant.
The sad reality is that there are many Queenslanders who are non-the-wiser about the LT&AS as it was glossed over and surreptitiously slipped into the legislation with minimal comment and fuss so as to avoid scrutiny.
The targeted absentees affected are currently only in the few thousands, meaning we have minimal voting power, are not a threat to Labor Seats and many being overseas may often not opt to vote anyway for State elections.
The cash grab is in the many millions of dollars and absentees are easy targets.
Retirement dreams have been dashed, expats holding properties in Queensland now face the prospect of having to return to Australia at great cost for many, to cancel long trips, and become prisoners of the State of Queensland for 6 months of the year. Effectively this new legislation imprisons Queensland property owners for half a year — or face the penalty.
Queenslanders — you now have less freedom than your fellow State and Territory neighbours. You have been interned for 6 months of the year (unless you love paying taxes or are in the top 1% or so, of the very wealthy who can afford to pay)
Imagine this scenario: You have met up with friends/family on a much anticipated extensive trip away. They are all from different States in Australia. You unfortunately are a Queenslander subjected to the Land Tax and Absentee Surcharge. Everyone is planning to travel further on this great trip, but you are nearing the 6 month curfew.
Time for you to head back to the airport. It’s okay, they at least turn up to wave you goodbye. They have freedom you see. You do not anymore. The Queensland government has got you where they want you. As you hang your head in despair, you head back on the plane back to Australia with the full knowledge everyone else is continuing on with the trip away. This is a form of Communism. You are being controlled by the State by way of severe punitive measures.
Waving the Queenslander goodbye because his/her government has a 6 month curfew.

For many the alternative is financial hardship. Selling the property is often not an option — often based on capital loss versus capital gain.
Even worse for many absentees and investors is that any sale of their property is subject to the full Capital Gains Tax. When one looks at the anticipated increasing land valuation projections for Queensland — this means the LT&AS will exponentially rise effectively wiping out CGT profits anyway.
A ‘Catch 22’ for many retirees is that coming back to Australia has become so unaffordable but paying the LT&AS is as well. This could force those retirees to sell, downsize, and apply for the pension (old age or disability), getting access to ‘Centrelink’ (Welfare) and discounted/free pension health care. One could spend up all savings and then apply for Government housing and hence place a burden on the tax payers of Australia instead.
Self funded retirees by residing overseas demonstrate fiscal discipline, self-reliance and nil burden to the government. Often medical expenses are incurred overseas at own cost or through private health and travel insurance — not through State funded Hospitals and Medicare. So why attack the assets being held by them? What truly is the mindset behind this? There is absolutely no decent argument.
Exceptions for situations that may ‘embarrass’ the QLD Labor government — screams of unfairness and corruption.
The Office of the State Treasury responds to objections against the imposition of the Land Tax and Absentee Surcharge, outrightly rejecting claims based on the QLD Land Tax Act — having no provisions to provide exemptions. I for one have lodged an objection based on several factors including it being unconstitutional, unfair and not taking into account absenteeism due to medical reasons.
However, it appears that there are circumstances not published, not made known to the public, where intervention can be made to waive the taxes in what seems to be labelled ‘unintended consequences’. One such reported objection was assisted by Commonwealth influence in which an employee for an overseas aid organisation working on contract whilst holding a property in Queensland was subjected to the LT&AS. In what appears to be an swift attempt to avoid embarrassment that would have revealed how grossly unfair these taxes are, this employee no longer needs to worry about the taxes as they have been waived — despite there being no provision in the Act to be exempt.
I applaud the decision, however it leaves me and others very angry that if this is the case, then why isn’t my and others’ objections also given the same considerations? It is because we cannot embarrass and shame the Labor Government enough.
The consequences of the LT&AS have severely damaging outcomes which we also could argue are valid reasons to be treated the same and have the taxes waived. Is financial ruin and hardship an intended consequence? This is an example of high end meddling and corruption where fairness is not equal for all. If the legislation is so flawed that such an intervention was needed for this employee then it is obvious that there are major flaws to this legislation.
On February 8, 2018 the Australian government introduced a Bill removing the Capital Gains Tax (CGT) exemption when selling a main residence (Primary Place of Residence) by the owner of a property who is deemed a ‘foreign resident’. This includes Australia citizens deemed to be permanent non-residents according to Commonwealth legislation.
This unfortunate addition has added a layer of complexity for those owning property in Queensland. Although the Commonwealth’s ‘permanent non-resident’ status definition differs to that of Queensland’s ‘absentee’ definition, it further narrows the flexibility for property owners staying overseas. Unlike Queensland, at least this change has allowed those owning property before the Budget announcement to sell their property by the June 30, 2019.
Owners can of course return to Australia and re-establish their residency status in the future and hence claim for a CGT exemption if they decide to sell - albeit having to pay a portion of Foreign Resident CGT rate that also removes any CGT discount - for the time they were deemed 'non-resident'. Another nasty tax to massively compound the issues faced by Absentees.
The financial impact of the LT&AS on those living abroad may be too crippling for many though to retain their property, and they will be forced to sell their main residence whilst still deemed a ‘non-resident’.
The combined annual bills for the LT&AS and a property sale attracting a hefty CGT will wipe out any significant Capital Gains. For many this will result in an overall loss.
This adds to the urgency and further clarification in the decision making for many living abroad that owning an owner/occupied property, especially in Queensland, is very likely not a good investment choice.
Why is it that Queensland cannot follow the same policies and laws of other states and only leave the absentee surcharge to those who are classified as Foreign Investors — not Australian Citizens? And what is the reason for this arbitrary figure of 1.5% anyway.
Why align the absentee category to match the Corporate Land tax rates as well? Labor believes it is targeting the ‘rich’ when they could not be further from the truth.
Many absentees reside offshore because of the inability to afford the cost of living in Australia. Their nest egg being tied up in a property. That’s all.
Queensland property owners are in the vast majority of cases not holding million and multi-million dollar properties like in Sydney and Melbourne. But New South Wales and Victorian governments do not impose absentee surcharges on its own citizens. Queensland property owners are in general the poorer cousins. So why punish them more? It creates yet more wealth disparity, disadvantage and discriminates you because of the State you chose to hold property.
Shame on Queensland Labor. Shame on the Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk and the deputy Premier and current Treasurer Jackie Trad.

QLD Labor Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk
They have eroded the rights and freedoms of all Queenslanders under their own noses, many still unaware of the restrictions now in place. The only State in Australia to implement this new form of control on its citizens.
If Queensland wished to implement such a punitive set of taxes for absentees, at the very least they should have made it known a long time in advance and allowed those affected or who may be affected to be granted exemptions and grace periods — depending on how committed they were at the time to the investment as well as overseas status.
QLD Labor Deputy Premier and Treasurer Jackie Trad
Hundreds of thousands of dollars individually and millions collectively have been spent on properties leading up the budget by unwary property owners and investors. Labor knew this but kept tight lipped to drop the bomb on Budget day — like a bad joke. People relying on a fair government have been totally betrayed.
As I have mentioned, it is unconstitutional and I am certain that the legislation should and could be challenged and defeated. We just need a thorough legal review to commence to determine how unjust, unethical, flawed and illegal this legislation is. Economic Human Rights appear to have been breached.
The Property Council of Australia is a staunch opponent of QLD Labor’s LT&AS laws as well as recent changes made in the 2018 QLD State Budget. As mentioned in the article referred to above (“I would never have invested into Queensland Property”) executive director Chris Mountford stated he was concerned Queenslanders living overseas would feel the sting of the absentee tax. He further added:
“We’re seeing Australians living, working or holidaying overseas being punished for retaining ownership of their intended long-term family home or other local property investments” .
“In some circumstances, they are being punished for investing foreign-earned income back into Queensland.
“This isn’t a tax on vacant properties, or a tax targeted at foreign owners, it’s a tax that is hitting ordinary Queenslanders whose circumstances have seen them spend some time abroad.”
As reported to me by the Property Council of Australia, “The Government has been trying to claim that the increases only effect those who are rich.” In that case, the QLD Labor government is delusional and grossly lacking in its ability to carry out proper analysis.
If you are affected please join the Facebook Group and provide your experience and so we can collaborate and organise to take action. Please contact those who are or may be affected as well and ask them to join.
Please also contact the Property Council of Australia, The Property Owner’s Association of Queensland, your local Members of Parliament, the Premier of Queensland and the QLD opposition Leader (Deb Frecklington). Also please consider submitting objections to the Office of the State Revenue Queensland.
QLD Labor appoint Left Wing GetUp member - corruption risk
'Culture of secrecy and cover up' claims against the Palaszczuk government. How deep is the corruption within the QLD Labor Government?
Deb Frecklington, Liberal State opposition leader comments after QLD Labor appoints Left Wing Extreme activist group member of Get Up as a Political Director in the QLD LABOR Party. She states,
“The appointment of a GetUp political director to a taxpayer-funded position to assist Labor in the 2017 election is a corruption risk,
“It is a blatant breach of the ministerial code of conduct, and the Fitzgerald principles.
“In spite of the ‘devolution’ principle, the LNP will request the Crime and Corruption Commission doesn’t just oversee but also runs the entire investigation.
“The Department of the Premier and Cabinet is conflicted on this matter given they have portfolio responsibility for ministerial staff.
“The Premier has been silent on this taxpayer-funded appointment but in the interests of openness and transparency, she should support the CCC conducting this inquiry."
Article link:
Labor appointment of GetUp activist referred by LNP to CCC
HOPEFULLY the incompetence and arrogant nature of QLD Labor will be revealed for all it is and the CCC will find corrupt conduct is confirmed within this government. 😡
Without a change in government it seems that laws such as the LAND TAX & ABSENTEE SURCHARGE, the abhorrent legislation passed without due concern for its Australian citizens, could remain in place.
QLD Absentees also facing massive Council Rate hikes too
A Current Affair story broadcast 16 Aug 2018 about the skyrocketing Council Rates across Australia - will only exacerbate the financial struggles being experienced by home owners - whether they are in Australia or not.
Absentees will cop it yet again with piles of bills and Land & Absentee taxes to wipe out incomes, savings and other nest eggs and force people to sell.
An elderly lady who owns a home was interviewed on the program and aptly stated, "Just because houses are selling at a high price doesn't mean people are rich" (4.15 to 4.20 minutes).
People are hitting the wall. This is a disgrace.
This causes more impetus to take action against the QLD labor government to demonstrate the ridiculously excessive taxes we have to pay to hold a property as an Aussie absentee when we are already paying and contributing in so many other ways at HUGE costs.

A Current Affair - national council rates hike
This news article is a prime example of how somebody struck down with an illness overseas and unable to return in time (before the 6 month QLD Land Tax curfew) would then be slugged with the massive Land Tax & Absentee Surcharge. This story released in the Sydney Morning Herald on 5 Aug 2018 is about a terminally ill man stuck in Bali. Imagine if he held a QLD property? A double whammy for him and his eventual grieving family. The Office of the State Revenue have clearly stated that there is no exemption for medical issues. They are brutal.
Terminally ill dad stuck in Bali
Massive Land Tax & Absentee Surcharge increases year on year will destroy those absentees holding properties in QLD. CHECK MY PREDICTION CALCULATIONS:
Using my situation as an example - starting with an estimated Land value of $400,000 in 2015-2016, Land valuations have increased the Lot value by $50,000 to $60,000 per subsequent year. (Land Tax is calculated at the average of the current and last two years of land valuations then divided by three to calculate the average).
Land valuations are determined by the Department of Natural Resources and Mines (DNRM,
For 2016-2017 Financial Year THE Land tax & Absentee Surcharge totals $4863.30 (I bought Jan 2017 - 4 months before the shocking Budget announcement)
OF NOTE: Before continuing here, two recent appraisals of the property this year September 2018 revealed that despite the Land Value increases - the overall property value itself if put on the market would only have increased $35,000 above what it sold for (despite already outlaying $130,000 in set-up & purchase costs over and above the purchase price) - of which is subjected to CGT (and if a non-resident there is NO CGT discount either). Let's also realise the costs involved in selling a property are also large. As agents explained, the declared government land value increases will not necessarily mean your property will have appreciated in value on the market and definitely not in line with the inflated land value rates the government sets.
Using a prediction of further increases of land value based on last three years and uptrend in market, I set the land value increase per year at $60,000. I have calculated up until the 2025 Financial year ending.
As you can see in the table - each year the total taxes owing increase dramatically up until 2025 - just a mere 7 years away.
From having a liability of $4863.30 for 2017-2018 FYE, it will increase up to $16,170.00 for 2024-2025 FYE. Again, be mindful that the given land valuation will definitely not reflect the true market sale price that one will be able to achieve. So, even at this stage, to sell the property will result in a financial loss.
What the HELL? How on Earth can anybody afford to keep paying this? Over $16,000 bill? The bills beforehand would have already wiped out the rental income long ago. You effectively become a complete slave to the QLD government.
For an investor like myself, as self funded medically retired from early Super payout, relying solely on that property's rental income to live off, it becomes totally and utterly unsustainable. TOTALLY. Rent will not cover the taxes.
Considering all other outgoing costs required to hold an investment property plus income tax, I am left with a property that annihilates all net rental income and will leave me out of pocket to pay the difference.
Capital Gains are eaten up by the taxes and forcing my hand to sell the property early because I cannot live off zero dollars. This will incur a combined loss (capital loss, set up cost losses, renovation cost losses, further costs to fix property before sale, legal fees, agent's commission to sell and Capital Gains Tax) of approximately $120,000 if I were to sell right now.
Holding the property each year becomes impossible though, forcing my hand to sell at a loss. The Queensland Labor Government are doing this to its own Australian citizens - Not just foreign investors.
The option is to stay in Australia like a prisoner for 6 months of a year, but on a self-funded retiree income stream that becomes unsustainable as well due to the high living costs as well. It has become a terrible Catch-22 scenario.
Queenslanders beware - you voted this government in and look what they have done and are doing to you and to your fellow Australians. What the HELL has happened with this country. What the HELL has happened to Queensland? Is this what you want? I don't think so. Communism isn't what I asked for.
These taxes are set to DESTROY all absentees who cannot work, who are retired, medically disabled, low income earners. This is a totally and utterly EVIL and UNETHICAL set of taxes that causes such a severe impact that it is unconstitutional and surely a breach of Human Rights - economic devastation imposed by the government.
This email reply received (14 May 2018) confirms the stance of the Property Council of Australia and continual push for change against this most punitive set of taxes:
"Thanks very much for your email, I am sorry to hear about you’re situation.
The Queensland Government has in recent years increased a number of taxes on property in Queensland. We have and continue to be vocal opponents to these increases including the additional tax on absentee land owners.
Below is a link to our website which contains a summary of the information we have presented to the Queensland Government on this issue.
Property Council Summary of submission to QLD Labor
With regards to your comment about retrospectivity, the Government has the ability through the Budget and supporting Appropriation Bills to set the and change the tax settings. Therefore, there is no ability to stop the changes, however, we can and will continue to advocate that these tax increases should be removed.
Would you be ok if we use your correspondence as another example/case study of who is being impacted by these tax changes? The Government has been trying to claim that the increases only effect those who are rich."
As you can read at the bottom - the QLD Labor government claimed that the increases only effect those that are "rich"!
This is absolutely unbelievable. What is QLD Labor's definition of 'rich'? Do they not understand the complexity of property ownership? There are encumbrances, Superannuation, early payment lump sums, life savings, dual investment, retirees only asset - 'asset rich cash poor' scenario. Is Labor for real? This is the type of socialist government thinking that Labor demonstrates here. Totally out of touch with reality and truly destroying lives in the process.
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A $1 billion hit to the Queensland budget as property market slides
A $1 billion hit to the Queensland budget as property market slides A $1 billion hit to the Queensland budget as property market slides
A popular Property Chat forum I am subscribed to has a few people that respond who support/defend the QLD Absentee Surcharge and Land tax. I...