Friday, 9 November 2018

I recently sent a letter via email for the attention of Premier Palaszczuk. In my letter I outlined the special treatment granted to a Queensland property owner deemed an Absentee, whereby, although he did not meet the employment criteria of being an Absentee, he was able to be granted an exemption.

As a result I outlined my dire circumstances and although not meeting the exemption criteria either, I requested to be granted an exemption as well.

The Premier's office claimed that it was the area of the Deputy Premier Jackie Trad's office to deal with this matter.

But, the Deputy Premier then referred it to the Office of the State Revenue to respond instead. The Commissioner of State Revenue 'Elizabeth Goli' was tasked to respond to my letter.

Yesterday I received a reply letter. My request for exemption was denied.

In the OSR Commissioner's response she stated, "You have referred to the circumstances of another taxpayer who advised you that he was granted an exemption based on his personal circumstances, notwithstanding that he did not meet the requirements for an exemption. Whilst I cannot comment on the affairs of particular taxpayers, as the Commissioner of State Revenue, I am both obliged and committed to administering land tax in accordance with the Act. Where the Act provides for an exemption, this exemption will only be extended to those taxpayers who satisfy the specified legislative criteria. This ensures the legislation treats taxpayers equally, despite the variety of circumstances experienced by the individual taxpayer."

As you can see, by referring the letter to the OSR Commissioner, Premier Palaszczuk was able to abdicate her responsibility to respond to this request, to someone who does not have the power to grant exemptions and therefore can only state that they can only abide by the Act.

The Premier would of course find it uncomfortable to have to respond directly to such a request as she will be forced to outline why there was special treatment granted to someone. This may of course reveal that she has acted illegally if there is no provision to allow such exemption.

If there has been one known exemption, who else has been granted an exemption as well that is not entitled to according to the Land Tax Act?

I intend to respond, insisting on the Premier's response as well as referring this to the Ombudsman as a complaint.

I also believe that there should be an immediate inquiry into determining who has been granted an exemption, despite not being entitled to it.

My issues are: If there is special treatment being given to individuals, then why are they getting special treatment? Who are they? Are there conflicts of interest and/or linked associations to colleagues, friends or family members of the Labor Government?

We are all suffering from this horrendous double tax, which should be removed anyway. But I will not allow the government to conveniently 'pass the buck' when it comes to questions that could cause embarrassment and repercussions. We need to be all treated fairly.

If there is a provision beyond the Land Tax Act for exemption then we all need to know about it.

In my case, they think they can conveniently shirk responsibility to a bureaucrat of the OSR and a referral to Lifeline so as to cover their bases. Very disappointing. Like I have experienced in the past fighting another bureaucratic organisation, their strategy is to 'Stall, Starve, Suspend and Settle' - trying to wear you down until you give up and go away with any resolution in the complainant's favour as the very last resort.

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