Thursday, 21 March 2019

QLD Labor Palaszczuk Curtis Pitt bulies bullying disgusting Australia

Today I received an email from Queensland Treasury Office of State Revenue. I have copied that email content below. As per my previous call and email questions sent to them I wanted to see if I could go overseas from 1 April to 30 June then from 1 July to end of December just shy of the maximum 6 month time limit. That way I can maximise my time away for respite. But come back to Australia to continue to reside here to avoid the taxes.

As you can read below, the revenue officer has decided that based off the advice I was seeking, they now have decided that I therefore do not ordinarily reside in Australia. Even though I would be less than 6 months away from Australia this financial year and the next. They would use the section relating to being out of Australia on 30 June as well, even though I was less than 6 months away.

Absolute bullying and threatening behaviour in my opinion and has sent me spiralling into depression. I feel trapped and helpless. They now are using this against me because I dared send questions to them. Not even set in stone. Just that.


Good morning Tyson

I am sorry that you feel that I did not answer your previous enquiry. I consider you may not have understood part of the content.

As outlined in my previous email, from 2018-19 year onwards, your land tax residency status was changed from absentee to natural resident effective 30 June 2018. This was based on your declaration that you had returned to reside permanently in Australia. Based on the content of your emails, I cannot be satisfied that you ordinarily reside in Australia since you are now seeking advice with the express purpose of maximising your time absent from Australia.

The outcome is that If you are absent from Australia for more than half of the 12 month period up to 30 June or you are absent from Australia 30 June, then you must advise the Commissioner of these change of circumstances (noting your declaration that you had returned to reside in Australia in June 2018). This will result in a reassessment of your land tax liability for land owned 30 June 2018 and a revision of your residency status to absentee.

Should you require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Kind regards

Amy Wiggins

Revenue Officer

Land Tax

Office Of State Revenue

Queensland Treasury
Phone: 1300 300 734


April 5 - posting made onto Facebook:

QLD Office of State Revenue - the revenue puppets of the Labor Party are playing with our lives with a pathetic non-advisory service. Spin the Wheel! It's like a Circus.

QLD Labor GVT Land Tax Office State Revenue Treasury Treasurer

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